Thursday, February 10, 2011

He Is In Control.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:6-7

A few days ago, you might remember my optimism towards our journey. I was having a "good day" for sure.


I am making my requests known to God with thanksgiving that He is sovereign.

I am asking that His peace be renewed in my heart and in my mind.

And I am replacing anxiety with trust in Him.

This journey isn't easy. There have been things have have simply frustrated me..and there have been things that I sincerely feel must be changed.

I want Baby Smith home now. But I am thankful that they do their due diligence in making sure no corruption is part of our story. I am blessed to know that our child is being well cared-for. And I am certain that this road will not end prematurely, because God is in control.

These are the things I was prepared for and am willing to deal with.

The pain of waiting is greater than the pain of no communication, for sure. 

But I am not angry. Because here? I know that it is all for the good of the child.

My prayer is the the only delays in our journey are part of God's plan. That no man-- nor the enemy-- will even get a foothole of control in our child coming home. That however long it takes, it is never out of God's hand. And that our beating hearts would be still while we wait.


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