Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Share

I read some amazing blogs.

Some that I agree with, Some that I don't.

But regardless their perspectives are important and valid and every week let's be honest periodically on Sunday Share, I want to point you in the direction of those blogs that I was gripped by during the week!

Gripped might be an exaggeration. Unless of course, you love Downton Abbey the way you should. And if you do? Then you were so excited to see This Post over at Rage Against the Minivan this week!

Amy over at Building The Blocks wrote This Post that brought tears to my eyes. God, never let me become complacent about the things that break Your heart...

Curly Jo wrote a difficult but truthful post called Invisible Disability, Trauma, Attachment and My Pride over at Curly Jo's 2 Cents. A must read exposing the sometimes difficult world of healing our children from hard places... Check out her new posts on the topic while you're there...

Over here? We're watching the Three Stooges, putting puzzles together and baking a cake. Amen and amen. =)


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