I find myself using this phrase a LOT lately....nothing is a definite anymore, which is highly unusual for me, but it seems that with 100 different things going on, I am "on the fence" a lot more frequently than ever before. TAHEC (The educational consortium in Tulsa that I currently preside as President over) has probably seen the biggest hit from my new unsettling disease. Case in point: "Do you know when/where our next meeting is, Ashley?" Answer: Yes...and no. "Was So-and-so getting the new tablecloths, Ashley?" Answer: Yes...and no. "Do we have a schedule for the upcoming event, Ashley?" Answer: Yes...and no. But TAHEC isn't alone....Oh no, in fact I am nothing if not COMPLETELY fair! "Are you finished with your part of the group assignment, Ashley?" Answer:...well, you can certainly get the picture by now...
I know I need to get better at time management, with work, grad school, youth, working out, keeping house, etc... I know I need to be taking vitamins so that mornings aren't so terrible to bear and I can actually get moving in less than two hours, I know I need to be cleaning/finishing projects when I am home (and homework is completed) instead of watching sitcoms on TV....but when you ask me if I am serious about changing all these things in my life?? The answer is..of course...Yes...and no.
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
3 days ago
I get ya. I think I just answer with "sorta" and "pretty much" but it's basically the same thing.
Ps. I Love the new background!!
Ha. I haven't been sleeping well the last couple weeks, and the funny thing is that I seem to be getting more and more accomplished with less sleep. On most days, I have exactly the same attitude. I always have a to-do list that seems to never get completed.. There are things that have been on my to-do list for months. I just keep transferring them to the next weeks list. =)
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