Saturday, December 31, 2011

My real resolutions and our year in review

I am really good at goals.

Even better at written goals.

I thrive under the pressure of achieving something new.

Wonderfully Brand new.

It even gives me joy just thinking about making a list of things to achieve this year...

But simply put? I stink at New Year's Resolutions.

I mean, I did okay with last year's goals (completing about 80%).

But after thinking about it, most of those goals remain unchanged even today.

I still need to organize my life better.
And my closets for that matter.

I could stand to hit the gym again (it's been months.....bleh)

I am pretty sure there were some days that The Husband didn't deserve get a kiss goodnight.

We certainly spent too much "quality time" in front of the t.v.  
(I think our new romance with the Star Trek series' would be worth its own post if it weren't so comical)

And not enough time in the multi-purpose room, worshipping.

Our year was full of ups and downs.

Things I wish could happen every day for the rest of my life

And others I don't mind burying in the cemetary that is "Years gone by"

But overall, I am thankful for the many lessons learned this year.

For the hours of lonliness spent feeling as though I didn't have a friend in the world.

The sorrow that spurred on more pity parties than I deserved.

The boredom, frustration, and excitement that each had a hand in pushing me forward into new territory.

Because, in the end? It's each of these moments that shape us.

The ones we loved. The ones we loathed.










Alone they each have qualities I love and hate, but woven together? They help me to become exactly who God intended me to be.

A sinner --full of mistakes and letdowns and regret--- saved by grace. Called into a bigger destiny than I ever deserved. Asked to walk a road I never would have chosen for myself.  And brought deeply into the comforting embrace of my Father over and over again.

So this year? With all the goals in the world I could choose to pursue?

I resolve to follow whatever path He leads me on.

To run to Him when things suck.

To run to Him when they don't.

And each day to ask what He would have for me. That I wouldn't miss a single moment of the life He has purposed me to live.

Because even when I think my days suck? I know my God is Good.

So. Very. Good.

Happy New Year.
May your 2012 be everything God intends it to be for you!


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