Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patty's Day...and Torture.

This is what my eye looks like today...After I was tortured by a cosmologist and some wax last night. 

I would have told her anything she she wanted to know if only she would quit trying to rub/burn my flesh off. Apparently the books of the Bible/ States & Capitals random info. was not good enough.

I can't wear make-up today...because of the slight coloring difference and my inability to put make-up within a 100 mile radius of my injured eyelids.

So, if you see me today,  don't judge my freckles and tiny eyelashes. They're very sensitive. Literally.

And if that wasn't bad enough?  My car was totally out of gas broken down this morning. I mean it. Would. Not. Start.

In my fury over my eyelids/car troubles, I decided to call The Husband home to put some gas in it fix it so I could resume normal activities.

Needless to say both my pride and my eyelids have been compromised.

In other news, Prior to my unexpected delays this morning, I was super-stoked about St. Patty's Day. As I am just about any opportunity to wear the color green....Or  pinch people at random.

Because--in addition to the random-pinching-and-green-wearing-goodness-- for the past 27 years, SPD has represented the official countdown to my birthday at which time I officially start making birthday requests. These are first on that list.

The Husband is trying to tell me I'll never wear them...So I am currently drafting a document listing all outfits that I am certain I can wear them with =) 

But, if for some reason, that doesn't accomplish the goal, I will settle for these instead.....

Or even these...

 So many choices.......


Here is how I decked out my business attire today. I am also not above dying food tonight, either!

What are you doing to celebrate SPD?


Randee said...

We are doing 0 to celebrate SPD- too much craziness going on! So sorry your eye was assaulted- that is super duper annoying. I don't think I could go our of the house without make up on- I'm too vain I suppose :)

Matt and Sarah said...

Ugh! I want a pair of the Toms wedges too... SO bad, but then I would be even more of an Amazon giant woman! :)

*Ashley Lou* said...

Sarah: When I read this, for some reason I thought of totally makes more sense the other way =))) Of course, I don't recall you being abnormally tall!! =)

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